Shows how to:
“Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads.
Updated: October 17, 2010
Learn how to Attract Hundreds of Eager Buyers Daily and Earn Up to $182.18* a time selling ClickBank products from simple low cost eBay Classified Ads. (* One of the biggest and most popular profit makers at ClickBank which you’ll learn about in “Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads.)
Why It Takes Just 15 Minutes to Churn Out High Profit Income Streams that Spit Out Cash 24/7 even while you sleep.
How to Kiss Goodbye to Pay-per-Click, Ezine Advertising, Press Release …. and all those other costly ways to promote information products that drain you of all your hard-earned cash! You’ll pay just cents per day to grab more and better targeted, incredibly responsive traffic, using ideas waiting for you in “Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads.
It’s such an exciting business opportunity I want to tell you about today that amazingly very few people know about ….. this business is not only enjoyable and incredibly easy to operate, but it can also be immensely profitable while requiring no special skills or experience, no heavy start up cost ….. and all the advice and information you need to operate this business is provided for you in easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions with screenshots to make sure you have the very best possible chance to grow a full-time income, and maybe much more, from the business you’ll read about today.
Hours from now you’ll known how to:
Legally Syphon thousands of visitors from eBay to your ClickBank promotions daily for less than three dollars a week.
Identify high commission, top response ClickBank products with deadly accuracy.
Maximise your ClickBank commissions through the power of recurring billing. (See Illustration Eighty-Eight for how to do this easily and effortlessly all from one eBay Classified Ad. and using the power and intrigue of another major high traffic outside web site)
Easily and effortlessly sell 10 ... 20 ... even 30 ClickBank products a day from any ClickBank sector against any economic backdrop.
Place eBay Classified Ads. in minutes every day, and spend the rest of the day doing whatever takes your fancy.
Tips, tricks and downright sneaky advantages the author has gained from over nine years as a successful ClickBank affiliate and five years as an eBay PowerSeller.
Doesn’t that make you keen to know more about the incredibly easy money-making technique outlined in close detail in “Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads.
This is all so very easy, quick to initiate, costs next to nothing ….. and best of all eBay Classified Ads. can be used to generate immediate sales or to grow a mammoth mailing list of people for you to target with bigger and more expensive products later, potentially for many years to come.
The Author, eBay Silver PowerSeller,
Avril Harper
Avril has been selling on eBay since 2004, promoting all manner of collectable items and also promoting her own eBooks and courses direct to eBay’s massive audience of eBook buyers.
She tells how anyone can emulate her success at promoting her own and other people’s products as an affiliate for what she believes is the world’s most professional and reliable, also most genuine affiliate company, namely ClickBank.
This is such an easy business, anyone can make it work, and it works like this …..
…... you spot a gap in the information market on eBay, you find there’s a top selling, high commission paying product at ClickBank to fill the gap, you cut graphics and text from another person’s web site – legally – then you paste all of it back into eBay ….. next you upload your Classified Ad. and begin gathering sales and earning commissions and building a mailing list that grows by hundreds or thousands of new names monthly from every one of your eBay Classified Ads.
Just imagine, using this book you’ll be creating eBay Classified Ads. in minutes which can generate high volume sales potentially for many years to come. Those ads. will cost less than $10 for thirty days prime exposure, and each and every one can easily generate $200 or much more every single month. Doesn’t that make you feel like creating hundreds of eBay Classified Ads. and leaving them to run on autopilot while you focus on finding more ClickBank products to promote through the low cost, high profile marketing system explained in “Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads.?
This is Why You Really Must Begin Using eBay Classified Ads. Right Away
eBay Classified Ads. are highly targeted and very responsive.
Using eBay Classified Ads you are not effectively selling on eBay so feedback does not apply. This is a major benefit for people selling products renowned for generating undeserved negative or neutral feedback, such as business opportunities, diet and exercise products, gambling plans and adult products, where buyer expectations sometimes exceed product capability. A good example is a book that shows how to make money fast on eBay, which as most intelligent people know is an entirely achievable objective, but if the buyer lacks commitment or does not read the instructions properly he ends up losing money. The buyer’s to blame but the seller gets the negative feedback, except for sales taking place through eBay Classified Ads.
eBay Classified Ads. cost very little compared to their enormous profit
potential. An eBay Classified Advertisement can solicit sales of million dollar yachts and houses or might grow an immense mailing list for high price repeat sale consumer goods ….. or in our case a low cost Classified Ad. can promote ClickBank products daily generating thirty or forty dollar commissions for you, or much more from top price products and others with ongoing payment options. Whatever the product, one-off or repeat selling potential, ongoing profits can be many thousand times more than the tiny price you pay for your eBay Classified Ads.
eBay Classified Ads. offer wider coverage at much lower cost than typically advertising in offline media. For example, the smallest classified advertisement in a national daily newspaper can set you back thousands of dollars for just one day. When the newspaper is discarded, usually the same day, your eBay Classified Ad. costing just a few dollars is still up and running and attracting visitors several weeks later.
Any mistakes made in offline classifieds can take weeks to amend and cause enormous loss for your business. Make a mistake in an eBay Classified Ad. and you can change it any time of day or night, literally in minutes, with no outside help of any kind.
Because eBay Classified Ads. promote offline sales, there are no eBay final selling fees to eat heavily into your profits, even for high value ClickBank affiliate products with repeat commission potential.
Profit potential is enormous, now and in future, because many ClickBank products lead naturally to more sales later, as for example where a person buys one book about making money on eBay and follows up by purchasing more books about making money on eBay, or from AdSense, article marketing, and other online business opportunities.
What you’ll read about today represents one of the most powerful ways for experienced and novice eBay sellers to turn a tiny investment into a massive cash injection to their ClickBank accounts, and the process can be repeated hundreds or thousands of times for many years to come and cover many different ClickBank main and sub-category subject areas.
The product and its bonus accompaniments are presented
in PDF format to work on any computer type, even Mac.
Order any time, day or night, and download
within minutes!
The book was written for an international audience and
the business works no matter where you live.
Price Just $67. Please note once you click on the link below you will be able to pay in your own domestic currency.
You’ll Read About a Two Minute Tactic ….. for locating products to promote through eBay Classifieds and you'll learn how to apply this same technique to all ClickBank product categories until you have forty or fifty, perhaps more eBay Classified Ads. running and making money daily from profitable and immensely popular top selling products at ClickBank. Just say, for example, you place 20 eBay Classified Ads. each month, costing less than $200, and each ad. sells just six products (way under-estimated) and nets you, say, $240 per ad. ….. that means $4,600 pure profit for you ($4800 - $200) ….. and that’s in just one month ….. and those figures do not take into account future profits from back end sales to past buyers as well as possibly thousands of eBay members who sign up to your mailing list each month and who purchase one, two, maybe three or more of your recommended ClickBank products over the next few weeks and months ….. or perhaps for many years to come!
You’ll learn about little-known ways to drive literally thousands of information hungry visitors to your eBay Classified Ads. and get them to buy from you right away and also to join your mailing list so you can turn those people into regular, big spending buyers for many years to come – and all for less than ten dollars for an incredible thirty full days' prime online exposure.
What you’ll get is a step-by-step guide to understanding how ClickBank affiliates can explode their commissions from eBay Classified Ads., without making costly mistakes, and without having to spend hours trying to decipher eBay’s complicated rules and regulations for themselves. You’ll be surprised to discover that eBay does not make it easy for you to find and use their Classified Ads. feature and, if that’s not confusing enough, you’ll also find their rules about selling affiliate products, also digital download items such as offered at ClickBank, are also very unclear and uniquely ambiguous. Thankfully, “Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads. cuts through the clutter and helps you very quickly understand what you can and what you can not do in eBay Classified Ads., as well as showing you how to avoid potential complications and turn ambiguities to your advantage.
Here’s a sneak preview of what you will find in my comprehensive 110 plus page Guide:
Here's a Sneak Preview of What You Will Read in the Book
Introduction 4
What You Also Need to Know About eBay Classified Ads. 7
eBay Classified Ad. Listing Categories 11
Controversy Over Selling Off-the-Page Through eBay 14
Classified Ads.
Introducing ClickBank 17
Why Selling ClickBank Products as an Affiliate Might 24
Sometimes Be Better than Having Your Own Exclusive Products
at ClickBank
Important Pointers for Choosing Affiliate Products at ClickBank 26
ClickBank Statistics and How They Can Explode Your 29
Affiliate Earnings
Using eBay Classified Ads. to Promote Affiliate Products at 32
Title – The Most Important Component of a Successful 39
eBay Classified Ad.
Researching Keywords For Your Title 41
How to Begin Listing Your Classified Ad. 56
Selling a ClickBank Affiliate Product Off-the-Page 62
Grow a Mailing List Using eBay Classified Ads. 76
Sign Up Techniques 79
Technical Aspects of Growing a Mailing List Using eBay 84
Classified Ads.
How to Incorporate A Sign Up Box Into Your Classified Ad. 105
So you see, I’ve done all the research and hard work for you, I’ve studied the rules, I’ve created my own eBay Classified Ads., and I’ve discovered the very best ways to use eBay Classified Ads. to grow a profitable mailing list or to sell ClickBank products right up front if that’s your preference.
Here is More of What You’ll Read About in My Latest Guide:
Why, if you omit this two minute task, you’ll lose 90% of your profits from eBay Classified Ads.
How to drive hundreds of people to join your mailing list each day and for many to purchase your recommended products soon afterwards.
How to put your Classified Ad. on autopilot and have people placing orders and earning big commissions for you every day, even while you sleep. This one’s a total no-brainer, it’s easy to set up, and simplicity itself to operate.
Make money even without your own web site, in fact not having your own web site could be a distinct advantage when you discover a little known way to have your recommended ClickBank product not only feature prominently on eBay but also on other world-renowned, high traffic web sites, totally free of charge!
How to very easily get people to trust you and buy whatever products you recommend from day one and for many years to come.
How to catapult your business into profit right from day one using actual screenshots to guide you through the simple process involved.
….. and so much more you really will be astounded.
But Wait That’s Not All ….. You’ll Also Receive a Bundle of High Value, Big Profit Bonus Reports ….. including …..
#1 Turn FREE eBay Classified Ads. Into Fast Cash Sales
#2 How to Create ClickBank Product Reviews
#3 Secret Bonus Items for Buyers' Eyes Only
Well I expect that's at least enough to whet your appetite to learn more about promoting ClickBank affiliate products through high profile, low cost eBay Classified Ads. So if you're ready you can order using your debit or credit card or using PayPal and once you are finished you’ll be taken immediately to download your product.
Price Just $69*. Please note once you click on the link below you will be able to pay in your own domestic currency.